Learn How to Heal Your Brain and Feel Better

6 Part Workshop With Dr. Terry Wahls

Myelin is damaged in a wide variety of conditions, including autoimmune conditions, infection, trauma, neurodegeneration (as in Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s), and simply aging. 

The result of this damage can lead to changes in mood and memory, sensory disturbance, pain, weakness, incoordination, heat intolerance, balance problems, dizziness, and recurrent vomiting that can be constant or intermittent.

Billions of dollars are being spent on developing drugs that improve the body’s ability to repair damaged myelin, and currently, there are several drugs that have been shown to improve myelin repair in animal models.

To understand the important role myelin plays in our health and how we can create an optimal environment that promotes healthy myelin and reduces the risk of disease, I have curated this six-part lecture series. 

In it, you’ll learn what myelin is, how it’s made, what damages it, and how it can be repaired.

After completing this course, attendees will have a more complete understanding of the biology of myelin, how drugs come to market, which remyelination drugs have early promising data, which natural products have early promising data, and why drugs and products that work in animal models typically fail in human trials. 

In addition, attendees will gain a greater understanding of the factors that create a neurotoxic environment that increases the severity of myelin damage as well as the behaviors that promote myelin health and repair.

Here's What's Covered:

  • PART 1: How Myelin Is Made

    In part 1, we’ll review the biology of how myelin is made in the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves and how the process of myelin manufacturing works in the central and peripheral nervous systems.

  • PART 2: The Exciting New Myelination Drugs

    In part 2, we’ll review the process of drug development and what it takes to bring a new drug to market. There are several exciting new drugs in the drug development pipeline that promote more effective repair of myelin. We’ll discuss the mechanisms by which these drugs improve myelin repair, along with how close each drug is to being approved for use by the US Food and Drug Administration.

  • PART 3: Natural Products and Remyelination

    In part 3, we’ll discuss remyelination and the natural products that have been shown to have favorable preliminary results in animal models of myelin damage and repair. We will look at the biochemical processes and receptors these natural products affect, and discuss how the remyelination drugs being developed affect these same processes and receptors.

  • PART 4: How Microglia, Astrocytes, and Microenvironment affect myelination and Why New Drugs May Not Help Humans

    In part 4, we’ll look at how microglia, astrocytes, and microenvironment affect myelination. We’ll also understand how they influence the success or failure of drug remyelination studies in mice and clinical trials in humans. We’ll review the biology of microglia and how they can be activated and become neurotoxic as well as the role of microglia biology in the success or failure of natural products and remyelination drugs in the development pipeline. And we’ll learn why drugs that might work very well in mice and rats are likely to have only a small effect in humans–or be harmful–and understand the factors behind the failure of certain drugs.

  • PART 5: Calming Your Microglia

    In part 5, we’ll look at the biology of diet and how it can influence microglia, making them neurotoxic or neuroprotective. We’ll discuss specific foods and diet components that have positive and negative effects on microglia and their expression.

  • PART 6: The 3 M’s: Microbiome, Mitochondria, and Microenvironment

    In part 6, we’ll look at the microbiome and mitochondria and how their health can influence the microglia, making them more neuroprotective or more neurotoxic. We’ll review specific strategies to improve the health of the microbiome and mitochondria as well as specific health behaviors and supplements that create a more favorable microenvironment for remyelination.

We’ll explore in detail what you can do to improve the environment for myelin repair

Including specific recommendations for health behaviors, foods, and supplements that support remyelination

Collection of course on multiple devices

Who will benefit from this workshop?

This workshop is designed for people with a neuroimmune or autoimmune process affecting their brain, spinal cord, or nerves. Brain, spinal cord, and peripheral autoimmune disorders include, but are not limited to, optic neuritis, neuromyelitis optica, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, multiple sclerosis, transverse myelitis, neuro-sarcoidosis, Neuro-Behcet’s, Hashimoto’s, vasculitis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus, Sjogren’s syndrome, and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy.

This workshop is also for people who have had damage to their myelin through traumatic brain injury or post-brain/spinal cord infections, such as chronic Lyme disease or other tick-borne infections. The course will also be useful for anyone who wants more strategies for healthy aging, because damage to myelin accumulates and the ability to repair that damage declines as we age

This workshop will increase your confidence in approaching your health challenges related to damaged myelin, whether that’s from rounds of cancer chemotherapy, post-infection damage, traumatic brain injury, or an autoimmune disorder.

When you’re committed to creating better health, you want Dr. Terry Wahls to lead you along the way.

Her method has become a sensation, transforming the lives of people with autoimmune diseases. Dr. Terry Wahls outlines the latest research that validates the program and offers new, powerful behavior modification tools to help you achieve optimal health.

The Wahls Protocol®, A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles comes out of Dr. Wahls’ own quest to treat the debilitating symptoms she experiences as a sufferer of progressive MS.

Informed by science, she began using Paleo principles as guidelines for her unique, nutrient-rich plan. This book shares Dr. Wahls’ astonishing personal story of recovery and details the program, with up-to-date research she’s now conducting at the University of Iowa.

Dr. Wahls has been featured on the television show The Doctors, in Reader’s Digest, and other widely read publications.

The information in this workshop was informed by the research she has used in her primary care clinics, traumatic brain injury clinics, and therapeutic lifestyle clinics at the Iowa City Veteran Affairs Hospital.  She also uses this program in her clinical trials and in her private practice.

While your health care team can tell you what you need to do to master autoimmune dysfunction—Dr. Wahls will show you how to do master your diet, lifestyle, and environment to usher in a new future of hope and healing.

Enroll Today And Make The Most Important Investment You Can Right Now—In Your Health.